Taiwan Mobile cross LIAISE

Terms & Conditions

User Terms of Use

The LIAISE service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") is owned by Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Taiwan Mobile" or "LIAISE"). Before using the Service, please read and decide whether you agree to these terms of use ("Terms of Use”). If the user (“user” or “you”) downloads or starts using the Service, it is deemed that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any of these Terms of Use, please do not use the Service.

I. Service Usage and Authorization

  1. 1. LIAISE owns and reserves all rights and ownership of the Service and does not agree to transfer ownership or any other rights to any third party.
  2. 2. Any content you submit or upload to the LIAISE platform, including but not limited to video material, content, or any information, is considered to be "your Content". Therefore, you shall ensure that your Content complies with all applicable laws and regulations, and respects for third-party rights. LIAISE does not own any rights to your Content you uploaded to LIAISE platform.
  3. 3. By starting to use the Service, you agree to grant to LIAISE a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, transferable and sublicensable right to access, store, reproduce, translate, display, adapt, or modify any your Content (including but not limited to videos, images, sounds, lip movements, etc.) you have submitted or uploaded to the LIAISE platform.
  4. 4. Whether or not a fee of Service is charged, the terms and conditions of fee charge, etc. shall be subject to the latest announcement on the website of the Service.

II. User Responsibilities

  1. 1. You shall not upload any illegal or inappropriate content to LIAISE platform, including but not limited to videos, images, or other information without the consent or authorization of the copyright owner/portrait right owner, or any content contains defamation, insults, slander, harassment, threats, abuse, discrimination, political sensitivity, partisan elements, or any other material that of violates public order and good morals, etc. You shall not share false or inaccurate information, fake news or any misleading content, etc.
  2. 2. You agree that you are solely responsible for all the content (your Content) uploaded to the LIAISE platform. You warrant that you have legal and complete rights to upload and use your Content . You shall ensure that your Content does not infringe any third-party rights, including but not limited to copyright, portrait rights, trademark, patent, or privacy rights. LIAISE shall not be liable for any claim, damage, loss, or liability arising from the content uploaded by you or any user. If any dispute arises, or if LIAISE or a third party suffers damage as a result, you agree to bear full liability for compensation and indemnify LIAISE against any such claims or liabilities.
  3. 3. To maintain the use of LIAISE platform, LIAISE is entitled to delete or remove any content with infringing, violating, inappropriate content, or suspected of involving such above-mentioned situations as discovered or reported, or to take other measures to such content, without prior notice to you. You shall have no disputes, claims or demands against LIAISE as a result thereof.

III. Disclaimer

  1. 1. The results produced by the Service, based on your needs, may be used for various purposes, including commercial and promotional use. Therefore, LIAISE again requires you to obtain the legal authorization and consent of the original content owner before you upload any content to the LIAISE platform.
  2. 2. You understand and agree that the results produced by the Service may contain errors, inaccuracies, or not meet your expectations due to language conditions and other limitations. Thus, the results produced by the Service are for reference and assistance only. NEITHER does LIAISE provide any warranty of whatever nature regarding the Service and its results, NOR does LIAISE guarantee the stability, security, accuracy, or uninterrupted availability of the Service. By using the Service, you acknowledge and agree to assume the risks associated with possible errors, inaccuracies, or unmet expectations of the results produced by the Service. Consequently, NEITHER does LIAISE be liable for any direct or indirect damage/loss incurred by your use of the Service, NOR is LIAISE responsible for any disputes arising from your commercial or other uses of the results.
  3. 3. LIAISE reserves the right to delete, filter, or edit any part or all of your Content without prior notice.

IV. Improvement of LIAISE

AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning models can continuously improve over time and with the accumulation of cases, enhancing the abilities to handle various functions of the Service. Therefore, you agree that LIAISE may use the materials you provide and the content generated during your use of the Service to improve the Service.

V. Compensation

  1. 1. If you violate these Terms of Use or infringe upon any third-party rights, including but not limited to copyright, portrait rights, trademark, patent, or privacy rights, and thereby cause or are involved in compensation issues, you shall not claim or demand in any form or by any mean for any compensation (including but not limited to any claim, liability, damage, loss, cost, expense, or attorney fee) against LIAISE, Taiwan Mobile, its affiliated companies, directors, senior management, officers, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers.
  2. 2. You understand and agree that LIAISE does not provide any warranty for the Service and shall not be legally liable for any direct and indirect damage/loss incurred by you from using the Service or for causing damage/loss to third parties.
  3. 3. If you have violated these Terms of Use applicable laws and regulations, or are suspected of involving such above-mentioned situations, LIAISE reserves the right to suspend or terminate your use the Service in part or in whole at any time.

VI. Update and Amendment

LIAISE reserves the right to update or amend these Terms of Use or any feature of the Service from time to time, and such update or amendment shall be effective from the time of announce on the Service website without prior notice to each individual user, and you shall not claim or demand any compensation or indemnification. If any part or all of these Terms of Use are deemed invalid, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms.

VII. Reporting Channel

If you intend to report any content uploaded by other user of the Service that may constitute an infringe of your intellectual property rights, or if you have any suggestions regarding the Service, please contact us at AI-LIAISE@taiwanmobile.com for further understanding and assistance.

VIII. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

You agree that the interpretation and effectiveness of these Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan). In the event of any litigation arising from the Service or these Terms of Use, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Taipei District Court as the court of first instance.